Some Common Indian Bird

Some Common Indian Bird

Name Distribution {Name=N, Distribution=D}

Name:Great Indian Bustard
Distribution:Throughout India except Bengal, Assam and area south of Karnataka. Now rare and restricted to Rajasthan, Gujarat.

N:Chloropsis, Jerdon's Coursor
D:Gangetic plain and Peninsular India


N:Common Coot
D:Practically throughout India upto 2440 m in outer Himalayas

N:Common crane
D:Plains of northern India, south to Duccan and Orissa Winter visitors

N:Demoiselle Crane
D:Northern India, Assam and south to Mysore, winter Visitors

N:Sarus Crane
D:Northern India, Central India, Assam and Gujarat

N:Cuckoo, the Koel
D:Throughout India

N:Andaman Cackoo Dove
D:Andaman and Nicobar

N:Indian Ring Dove
D:Throughout the dry parts of India

N:Comb Duck
D:Throughout India

N:Cotten Teal
D:Throughout India

N:Andaman Teal

N:Whistling Teal
D:Throughout India

N:White Eyed Poached
D:Throughout India

N:Common Green winged Teal
D:All over India

N:Gargancy Teal
D:All over India

D:All over India

N:Bengal Florican
D:Bengal and Assam

N:Lesser Florican
D:Northern India excluding Assam, Kutch

N:The Bar-headed goose
D:Northern India

D:Breeds in Kashmir, winter visitor to Northern India except Kashmir

N:Grey Heron
D:Throughout India

N:Grey Jungle Fowl
D:Mount Abu to Baroda, Throughout South India

N:Red Jungle Fowl
D:Northern India, Assam and South to Godavari River

N:Common Kingfisher
D:Throughout India

N:Hill Myna
D:Himalayan foot hills

N:Indian Parakeet
D:Practically throughout India

N:Black Partridge
D:Northern India, East to Manipur and Assam

N:Grey Partridge
D:Dry regions throughout India except Assam

N:Painted Partridge
D:North Central India, South India except Malabar Coast

N:Hill Partridge
D:The Himalayas from Uttar Pradesh to Assam

N:Snow Partridge
D:The Himalayas from 1000ft to 1700ft

N:Common Peafowl
D:Throughout India except North east region

N:Blue Rock Pigeon
D:Throughout India

N:Common green Pigeon
D:Throughout India

N:Nicobar Pigeon
D:Andamans and Nicobar

N:Nilgiri Wood Pigeon
D:Nelgiris and other South Indian Hills

N:Kalij Pheasant
D:Throughout Himalayas and Assam

N:Cheer Pheasant
D:Himalayas from Nepal westward Himalayas

N:Koklas Pheasant

N:Monel Pheasant
D:Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan

N:Black Breasted or Rain Quail
D:Throughout India upto 6000ft in the Himalayas

N:Common or grey Quail
D:Practically throughout India

N:Jungle Bush Quail
D:Throughout India

N:Yellow legged Button Quail
D:Throughout India

D:Throughout India

N:Imperial Sand grouse
D:Semi desert region of Punjab, Rajasthan, Kutch and Saurashtra

N:Painted Sand grouse
D:Throughout greater part of India

N:Common Indian Sand grouse
D:Dry areas throughout India

N:Wood Snipe
D:Winter visitor to hill ranges of Peninsular India, North to MP

N:Common Pintail Snipe
D:Winter Visitor practically throughout India

N:Pintail Snipe
D:Common in Eastern and Southern

D:Northern India

N:Common weaver Bird
D:Throughout In

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